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Transmutation of elements conversion of one chemical element into another. In modern times it has been found that a transmutation
from one element to another actually does occur in the process of natural radioactivity . Transmutation of elements can be achieved
artificially by the bombardment of elements with high-speed particles by means of such machines as the cyclotron (see particle accelerator ).
Both artificial and natural transmutations involve changing the number of protons in the atomic nucleus . The transuranium elements are created
in this manner. When a nucleus is bombarded with neutrons from an atomic pile or nuclear reactor, some of the neutrons will be absorbed, resulting
in an unstable nucleus. The nucleus then becomes more stable by converting one of its neutrons into a proton by beta decay, becoming a nucleus of
the next heavier element in the process!!!
I,ve shown this pic above all over this site. This simple setup
is just as good as a proton/ion gun and makes a good neutron gun.
If you want to bomb your target element with protons then put it in the center of the negative grid.
If you want to bomb
your target element with neutrons then put it outside of the postive grid.
Basicly this works by the postive grid striping off the electrons and the negative grid
attracting the ions into the center. Neutrons are formed by two ions fusing.
Hydrogen is not the only gas that can be used. By controlling the power
to the grids it is possible to control the amount of ion and neutron production.
This simple fuser has its limitations. It will create enough radiation to harm the operator but if
it is turned up too high it will vaporize its own grids. So, to go around this little problem there
are other fusion reactor designs such as the polywell fusor. It is said to of solved these problems but
radiation is still a concern. Also, the focus fusion reactor. And, instead of using the setups discussed here
you can click on this link to learn how to build other proton and neutron guns.neutron or proton gun link. Use these and aim it at the target your trying to transmute.
Caution should be taken when handling anything like this and to be truthful this is best left up to the experts.
Please don't try this at home boys and girls.
How to make Uranium-233 For making nuclear material for your nuke. Uranium-233 is best fissionable material there is. Also, the most easiest to set off. For those fission and fusion bombs.
How to make plutonium For making those fission and fusion bombs.
How to make tritium For making nuclear material for your nuke. Not safe nor recommended. Might not even be legal.
How to make polonium For making those neutron initiators.
How to make hafnium-178m2 For making those gamma rays.