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I tried to base my discussions and my pictures here on real working principles. I don,t know if any of my own personal designs work because it is not legal for me to build and test them. Anything here that says "homemade" or says "without" is what I designed myself(Never built or tested). The rest of the information and pictures here is from other creditable sources that I could obtain else where.

The homemade designs will take one of two things to make them work. 1 Enriched material 2. A simulated fusion chamber. With enriched material that takes time but that can be done from home with a neutron source and maybe plenty of electricity depending on how your enriching it. With un-enriched material it can be instantly enriched with neutrons but that takes great heat and pressure from fusion tempatures and a neutron source called a sparkplug. I have included both ways to make bombs here. Enriching material can be done with a device to give off neutrons. Without enrichment we need a neutron source with a makeshift homebuilt fusion reactor. The magnetic fields in the fusion container set off the nuclear weapon. If using a fusion plasma it has to be at least a million degrees to work. I recommend using the focus fusion reactor to heat the secondary plasma with its particles since those particles can come out at up to 1 billion degrees along with two other sources of heat. Magnetic compression and ohmic(electrical) heating. We could use radio frequency heating but I don,t think that would be necessary unless it is just wanted. Basically in a nutshell this is what you need for homemade nuclear weapons.


For starters, you have the two basic ingredients at your house right now. In your sink is water, in your back yard at 12 parts per million is the most common element on earth that is better than uranium, thorium.

Making fission part of bomb.
Step 1. Get thorium from the best natural resources around or buy it from a chemical supply store.

Step 2. If using natural thorium(meaning you dug it up somewhere). Separate its isotopes from the non-thorium isotopes. Use information from this site or research it. (Basicly you heat it to a vapor and use magnetic or laser seperation). There are other ways to seperate it.

Step 3. Make descision. Can enrich thorium to uranium-233 or use fusion-fission device listed at this site. If enriching it you will only need conventional explosives to set it off.

Step 4. Make decision - Can buy lithium-6-deterium hydride compound from a chemical supply house instead of making it. If making it follow directions below.

Step 5. Get water from sink. Make hydrogen from it with electrolysis. Distill this hydrogen to deuterium. Distilling diagrams listed at this site as well as electrolysis diagrams.

Step 6. Make decision. Can distill tritium from hydrogen or make it with focus fusion reactor.

Step 7. If using focus fusion reactor choice can make lithium-6 or tritium directly. With direct tritium no sparkplug will be needed in nuclear device. diagram of focus fusion reactor listed on this site.

Step 8. Can make lithium, tritium, deuterium, thorium, uranium-233 into a compound powder if want. see compound section of this site for that.

Step 9 From above decisions construct nuclear device. if using natural thorium construct fusion-fission device. Will need to decide what to use for a spark plug. Plain liquid or solid hydrogen might be ok. If using lithium6-deuterium construct fusion device but we will not need plasma because the fission device will set it off but we will still need a sparkplug. See fission and fusion devices for more information. If using uranium-233 only need explosives to set it off. If using tritium-deuterium just put it beside the fission device it will go off on its own when the fission device explodes. No sparkplug will be needed with tritium-deterium device just a fission device.

Special notes: Don,t forget to use radiation shielding when working with radioactive material. Thorium makes a real good radiation shield. Use left overs for that or buy lead. Lastly, don,t try this for real without contacting your responsible authorities and telling them your plans and intentions then consulting your local experts.

How to make hydrogen bombs This is a fission bomb and fusion bomb put together.

How to make fission bombs What was used on Japan.

How to make fusion bombs This is a fusion bomb by itself. More powerful but takes a lot to make it go off.

How to make neutron bombs Leaves property intact. Only kills life.

How to make ANTI-MATTER bombs Not been done yet.

How to make GAMMA RAY bombs Not been done yet.

How to make nuclear weapons out of everyday household materials. Making Nuclear weapons from basicly nothing. No nuclear material required.

How to make nuclear weapons using just electricty. Making nuclear weapons out of stuff from radio shack.

How to make homemade nuclear weapons. If you looked at all these pics and read this webpage this puts it together for you into one big picture.

Other stuff for defensive weapons program for peaceful purposes.

How to build a neutron initiator How some triggers for nuclear weapons are made.

Homemade breeder reactor Build a homemade breeder reactor and take a free ride in a police car. (Not recommended for building but it has been done.)

How to make elements or matter. Pretty much a overall review of making atomic matter. Not practical but good if your SOL(*?&! out of luck). For those hard to get items.

Building particle or ion guns. These come in handy sometimes. Can be used to transmute elements.

Making matter misc. parts. Stuff you might need to make matter.

How to transmute elements Good for those hard to get items. Shows how to make some things you might need.

How to seperate isotopes(Example: hydrogen and oxygen are isotopes of water(H20). Again, also good for those hard to get items.

Making radiation Ok, lets make some homemade radiation. (X-rays or Gamma rays).

How Chemical compounds are made. How some nuclear fuels are made.

Space program Every nuclear research program for peaceful purposes for some unknown reason has to have a space program. Go figure. Here you go. (HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL UFO STUFF)

Weapons Every nuclear research program for peaceful purposes needs weapons to protect the research. (Here you go.)

How to make parts for your reactor or peaceful nuclear research projects. This is called a home foundry. Simple way to make metal parts or build an entire machine shop from scrap metal, sand, and a little bit of wood. With books from Lindsay publications and a good computer and software there is no limit to what you can do.

Ways to heat a plasma.

1. Ohmic Heating - The plasma can be heated to temperatures up to 20-30 million K through the current passing through the plasma. It is called ohmic or resistive heating; the heat generated depends on the resistance between the plasma and current. However, as temperature rises, resistance drops, making this form of heating less and less effective. Other methods are neccessary in addition in order to heat the plasma to required temperatures.

2. Neutral-Beam Injector - High energy, neutral atoms are shot into the plasma, and are immediately ionized. These ions then get trapped by the magnetic fields, and transfer some of their energy to the surrounding plasma particles through collisions, thus raising the overall temperature. Author side note: THE FOCUS FUSION REACTOR IS GREAT FOR THIS. USE ITS PARTICLES TO HEAT A SECONDARY PLASMA!!!

3. Magnetic Compression - The plasma can be heated through a rapid compression, which is possible by increasing the magnetic field. In the tokamak, this compression occurs by moving the plasma to an area of a higher magnetic field.

4. Radiofrequency Heating - High-frequency waves are launched into the plasma through the use of oscillators. If the waves have the right wavelength, their energy can be transferred into certain particles, which then transfer the energy through collisions with others.

Basic homemade plasma heater.Heating up a plasma.

Basic fusion reactor Heating up a plasma.

Plasma containment. Shows how to confine a plasma.

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